Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Things I learned Reinstalling My Ubuntu

I did not want to wait for Ubuntu Studio 24.04 to be offered as an update to 23.10, so I got the installer and tried it.  Also, I thought I would try repartitioning the disk as UEFI.

Brief notes:

  • I did not feel in control of manual partitioning
  • I found out one of my USB sticks is bad, thanks to F3…
  • …and no thanks to the Startup Disk Creator!
  • If the X11 window manager crashes/doesn’t start, goofy things happen
  • Wayland+KWin still don’t support sticky keys, smh
  • snap remove pops up the audio device overlay… sometimes repeatedly
  • I depend on a surprising amount of configuration actually

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Getting fail2ban Working [with my weird choices] on Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy)

To put the tl;dr up front:

  1. The systemd service name may not be correct
  2. The service needs to be logging enough information for fail2ban to process
  3. Unrelatedly, Apple Mail on iPhone is really bad at logging into Dovecot
  4. Extended Research

[2024-04-26: Putting the backend in the DEFAULT section may not actually work on all distributions.  One may need to copy it into each individual jail (sshd, postfix, etc.) for it to take effect.]

A minimalist /etc/fail2ban/jail.local for a few services, based on mine:

backend = systemd
enabled = true
journalmatch = _SYSTEMD_UNIT=ssh.service + _COMM=sshd
enabled = true
journalmatch = _SYSTEMD_UNIT=postfix@-.service
enabled = true
journalmatch = _SYSTEMD_UNIT=pure-ftpd.service

(The journalmatch for pure-ftpd removes the command/_COMM field entirely.)

Sunday, March 3, 2024

vimrc tips

On Debian-family systems, vim.tiny may be providing the vim command, through the alternatives system. If I bring in my dotfiles and haven’t installed a full vim package yet, such as vim-gtk3, then dozens of errors might show up.  vim.tiny really does not support many features.

Other times, I run gvim -ZR for quickly checking some code, to get read-only restricted mode.  In that case, anything that wants to run a shell command will fail.  Restricted mode is also a signal that I don’t trust the files I’m viewing, so I don’t want to process their modelines at all.

To deal with these scenarios, my vimrc is shaped like this (line count heavily reduced for illustration):

set nocompatible ruler laststatus=2 nomodeline modelines=2
if has('eval')
    call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
        call system('true')
        Plug 'dense-analysis/ale'
        Plug 'mhinz/vim-signify' | set updatetime=150
        Plug 'pskpatil/vim-securemodelines'
    catch /E145/
    Plug 'editorconfig/editorconfig-vim'
    Plug 'luochen1990/rainbow'
    Plug 'tpope/vim-sensible'
    Plug 'sapphirecat/garden-vim'
    Plug 'ekalinin/Dockerfile.vim', { 'for': 'Dockerfile' }
    Plug 'rhysd/vim-gfm-syntax', { 'for': 'md' }
    Plug 'wgwoods/vim-systemd-syntax', { 'for': 'service' }
    call plug#end()
    if !has('gui_running') && exists('&termguicolors')
        set termguicolors
    let g:rainbow_active=1
    colorscheme garden

We start off with the universally-supported settings.  Although I use the abbreviated forms in the editor, my vimrc has the full spelling, for self-documentation.

Next is the feature detection of if has('eval') … endif.  This ensures that vim.tiny doesn’t process the block.  Sadly, inverting the test and using the finish command inside didn’t work.

If we have full vim, we start loading plugins, with a try-catch for restricted mode.  If we can’t run the true shell command, due to E145, we cancel the error and proceed without that subset of non-restricted plugins.  Otherwise, ALE and signify would load in restricted mode, but throw errors as soon as we opened files.

After that, it’s pretty straightforward; we’re running in a full vim, loading things that can run in restricted mode.  When the plugins are over, we finish by configuring and activating the ones that need it.

Friday, February 2, 2024

My Issues with Libvirt / Why I Kept VirtualBox

At work, we use VirtualBox to distribute and run development machines.  The primary reasons for this are:

  1. It is free (gratis), at least the portions we require
  2. It has import/export

However, it isn’t developed in the open, and it has a worrying tendency to print sanitizer warnings on the console when I shut down my laptop.

Can I replace it with kvm/libvirt/virt-manager?  Let’s try!

Sunday, December 31, 2023

No More Realtek WiFi

The current Debian kernel (based on 6.1.66, after the ext4 corruption mess) seems to be locking up with the Realtek USB wireless drivers I use.  Anything that wants the IP address (like agetty or ip addr) hangs, as does shutdown.  It all works fine on the "old" kernel, which is the last version prior to the ext4 issue.

Meanwhile in Ubuntu 23.10, the in-kernel RTW drivers were flaky and bouncing the connection, so I had returned to morrownr’s driver there, as well.  But now that I don’t trust any version of this driver?  Forget this company.  In the future, I will be using any other option:

  1. A Fenvi PCIe WiFi card with an Intel chip on board, or the like
  2. Using an extra router as a wireless client/media bridge, with its Ethernet connected to the PC
  3. If USB were truly necessary, as opposed to simply “convenient,” a Mediatek adapter

Remember that speed testing and studying dmesg output led me to the conclusion that this chipset comes up in USB 2.0 mode, and even the Windows drivers just use it that way.  While morrownr’s driver offers the ability to switch it to USB 3.0 mode under Linux, this prevents it from being connected properly.  I never researched hard enough to find out if there is a way to make that work, short of warm rebooting again so that it is already in USB 3.0 mode.

It’s clearly deficient by design, and adding injury to insult, the drivers aren’t even stable.  Awful experience, one star ★☆☆☆☆, would not recommend. Intel or Mediatek are much better choices.

Addendum, 2024-01-13: I purchased an AX200-based Fenvi card, the FV-AXE3000Pro.  It seemed not to work at all.  In Windows it would fail to start with error code 10, and in Linux it would fail to load RT ucode with error -110.  And then, Linux would report hangs for thermald, and systemd would wait forever for it to shut down.  When the timer ran out at 1m30s, it would just kick up to 3m.

Embarrassingly enough, all problems were solved by plugging it into the correct PCIe slot.  Apparently, despite being physically compatible, graphics card slots (which already had the punch-outs on my case, um, punched out) are for graphics cards only.  (My desktop is sufficiently vintage that it has two PCIe 3.0 x16 slots, one with 16 lanes and one with 4 lanes, and two classic PCI slots between them.)

Result: my WiFi is 93% faster, matching the WAN rate as seen on the Ethernet side of the router.  Good riddance, Realtek!

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Diving too deeply into DH Moduli and OpenSSH


  • Debian/Ubuntu use the /etc/ssh/moduli file as distributed by the OpenSSH project at the time of the distribution’s release
  • This file is only used for diffie-hellman-group-* KexAlgorithms
  • The default KEX algorithm on my setup is the post-quantum sntrup761x25519-sha512@openssh.com instead
  • Therefore, you can generate your own moduli, but it is increasingly irrelevant
  • Having more moduli listed means that sshd will do more processing during every connection attempt that uses the file

There is also a “fallback” behavior if the server can’t read the moduli file or find a match, which I don’t fully understand.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Viewing the Expiration Date of an SSH Certificate

A while ago, I set up my server with SSH certificates (following a guide like this one), and today, I began to wonder: “When do these things expire?”

Host certificate (option 1)

Among the output of ssh -v (my client is OpenSSH_9.3p1 Ubuntu-1ubuntu3) is this line about the host certificate:

debug1: Server host certificate: ssh-ed25519-cert-v01@openssh.com [...] valid from 2023-04-07T19:58:00 to 2024-04-05T19:59:44

That tells us the server host certificate expiration date, where it says “valid … to 2024-04-05.”  For our local host to continue trusting the server, without using ~/.ssh/known_hosts and the trust-on-first-use (TOFU) model, we must re-sign the server key and install the new signature before that date.

User certificate

I eventually learned that ssh-keygen -L -f id_25519-cert.pub will produce some lovely human-readable output, which includes a line:

Valid: from 2023-04-07T20:14:00 to 2023-05-12T20:15:56

Aha!  I seem to have signed the user for an additional month-ish beyond the host key’s signature.  I will be able to log into the server without my key listed in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys (on the server) until 2023-05-12.

This looks like a clever protection mechanism left by my past self.  As long as I log into my server at least once a month, I'll see an untrusted-host warning before my regular authentication system goes down.  (If that happened, I would probably have to use a recovery image and/or the VPS web console to restore service.)

Host certificate (option 2)

There’s an ssh-keyscan command, which offers a -c option to print certificates instead of keys.  It turns out that we can paste its output to get the certificate validity again.  (Lines shown with $ or > are input, after that prompt; the other lines, including #, are output.)

$ ssh-keyscan -c demo.example.org
# demo.example.org:22 SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.9p1
# demo.example.org:22 SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.9p1
ssh-ed25519-cert-v01@openssh.com AAAA[.....]mcwo=
# demo.example.org:22 SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.9p1

The ssh-ed25519-cert line is the one we need.  We can pass it to ssh-keygen with a filename of - to read standard input, then use the shell’s “heredoc” mechanism to provide the standard input:

$ ssh-keygen -L -f - <<EOF
> ssh-ed25519-cert-v01@openssh.com AAAA[.....]mcwo=

Now we have the same information as before, but from the host certificate.  This includes the Valid: from 2023-04-07T19:58:00 to 2024-04-05T19:59:44 line again.

Tips for setting up certificates

Document what you did, and remember the passphrases for the CA keys! This is my second setup, and now I have scripts to do the commands with all of my previous choices.  They’re merely one-line shell scripts with the ssh-keygen command.  But they still effectively record everything like the server name list, identity, validity period, and so forth.

To sign keys for multiple users/servers, it may be convenient to add the CA key to an SSH agent.  Start a separate one to keep things extra clean, then specify the signing key slightly differently:

$ ssh-agent $SHELL
$ ssh-add user-ca
$ ssh-keygen -Us user-ca.pub ...
(repeat to sign other keys)
$ exit

Note the addition of -U (specifying the CA key is in an agent) and the use of the .pub suffix (the public half of the key) in the signing process.