Wednesday, January 5, 2022

A New SSH Key Philosophy

I rolled over my SSH keys this morning; but more than that, I generated two additional keys, so now I have four distinct domains:

  1. Local systems
  2. EC2 systems
  3. AWS CodeCommit (read/write)
  4. AWS CodeCommit (read only) – this one already existed

Previously, I would load “the SSH key” into ssh-agent, and do everything with one key.  CodeCommit would always be accessed in read/write mode; even systems that only needed read-only access for testing would access the read/write key through the forwarded agent.

Because there was only one skeleton key, which I needed frequently, it would be available to any executing code, any time I was working. All hosts it would work on were clearly indicated in .ssh/config and .git/config files. Any code on a guest VM would also be able to access it, through the forwarded agent.  The guest’s configuration also included the hosts, because I once developed from the guest environment.  Back then, the host was Windows, making it more comfortable to access EC2 and git from the guest.

The first two keys I generated represent different frequencies of access. I access the local systems much more frequently than EC2, to debug code under development running on them.  Splitting those keys means that the EC2 key will be unlocked and available much less frequently.

As for CodeCommit, I decided to separate “shell” keys from “git” keys. Our threat model generally gives up on security if an attacker has shell access, so if I can keep local malware away from remote shell access, it adds a layer to the defense.  In addition, this key is also accessed more frequently than the EC2 key.

Finally, I quit forwarding the SSH agent by default to test systems.  They already have the (sufficient) read-only key installed when their base image is created, so all I had to do was “stop changing the configuration” in my personal setup scripts for those guest VMs.  This reduces unnecessary trust (and coupling) between host and guest.

Of note, I am already guarding the AWS keys with aws-vault, which I wrote about previously. I was sufficiently pleased with aws-vault that I’m using it on my home Linux installation, as well.

Overall, it took me an hour or two to work out the plan and reconfigure everything, but I’m happy with the improved security posture.

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