Friday, September 29, 2023

AWS: Requesting gp3 Volumes in SSM Automation Documents

I updated our EC2 instance-building pipeline to use the gp3 volume type, which offers more IOPS at lower costs.

Our initial build runs as an SSM [Systems Manager] Automation Document.  The first-stage build instance is launched from an Ubuntu AMI (with gp2 storage), and produces a “core” image with our standard platform installed.  This includes things like monitoring tools, our language runtime, and so forth.  The core image is then used to build final AMIs that are customized to specific applications.  That is, the IVR system, Drupal, internal accounting platform, and antique monolith all have separate instances and AMIs underlying them.

Our specific SSM document uses the aws:runInstances action, and one of the optional inputs to it is BlockDeviceMappings.  Through some trial and error, I found that the value it requires is the same structure as the AWS CLI uses:

- DeviceName: "/dev/sda1"
    VolumeType: gp3
    Encrypted: true
    DeleteOnTermination: true

Note 1: this is in YAML format, which requires spaces for indentation.  Be sure “Ebs” is indented two spaces, and the subsequent lines four spaces.  The structure above is a 1-element array, containing a dictionary with two keys, and the “Ebs” key is another dictionary (with 3 items.)

Note 2: the DeviceName I am using comes from the Ubuntu AMI that I am using to start the instance.  DeviceName may vary with different distributions.  Check the AMI you are using for its root device setting.

The last two lines (Encrypted and DeleteOnTermination) may be unnecessary, but I don’t like leaving things to chance.

Doing this in a launch template remains a mystery.  The best I have been able to do, when trying to use the launch template, Amazon warns me that it’s planning to ignore the entire volume as described in the template.  It appears as if it will replace the volume with the one from the AMI, rather than merging the configurations.

I know I have complained about Amazon in the past for not providing a “launch from template” operation in SSM, but in this case, it appears to have worked out in my favor.

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